Rescue Dogs
99.99% Volunteer Run, but What About That .01%?
Since 1991, Golden Bond Rescue has been proud of the fact that it has managed to rescue goldens with a staff of 100% volunteers – no one gets paid. That…
The Rescue Road Trip Posse – To LAX and Back!
Have you ever wondered how our rescued goldens from China travel and arrive? In September, five dedicated GBR volunteers found out. We met in Portland, climbed into our donated GBR…
For the love of Natascha
The Instagram Dog Community reflects the qualities of the dogs that we love and share – kindness, generosity, encouragement and love – and builds lasting bonds. It was that bond…
Guest Post from Family Living Today: How to Maintain a Clean Home with Pets
It’s probably hard to imagine your life without your pet. While pets areloyal companions that fill a special place in your heart, they also make messes in the carpet, chew…
Teddy and Lily – It was meant to be!
Melissa, Teddy & Lily: A Love Story Teddy and Lily at the Ball Game Since Melissa Siedlicki adopted Taz, a 12-year golden through Golden Bond, she has become a stalwart…
Feature on an adoptable rescue dog – Lenny’s Story
Lenny’s Story On occasion, our wonderful organization receives a dog that for one reason or another takes a little longer to adopt out to a permanent home. Many factors –…
2019 Race To Save Goldens – Registration Closed
A Golden Bond Rescue Virtual “Race to Save Goldens” Event What better way to celebrate your four-legged family member than October being National Adopt a Dog month? Or what…
How Did We Get To Where We Are Now … A Bumpy Ride!
From GBR’s President’s Point of View It’s been several years since GBR has published a newsletter, and I’m ecstatic that we now have a volunteer, Vanessa Loverti, who has raised…
Volunteer Highlights – My trip to SeaTac: Eight Smiling Faces
We all know Golden Bond Rescue has amazing volunteers; however, I didn’t realize just how incredible they are until I participated in the collecting and transporting of eight international goldens…
The Rainbow Bridge
The Story of the Rainbow Bridge Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that…