Rescue Dogs
Dog Enrichment (including your Rescue Golden)
By Gage Ziehmn Ardag There couldn’t be a better time to talk about enrichment for our dogs. During these last few weeks and months we’ve all been spending a lot…
Extra Protection For Your Dog
Don’t Let Your Golden Rescue Leave Home Without One by Jill Groves I want to take a few minutes of your time to tell you about a product I’ve been…
A Super Rescue Golden Retriever – It Had To Be Woody
“What’s in a name…” By Michel Gregory Choosing just the right name is part of the fun of adopting a rescue golden retriever. So when we learned we were chosen…
Exercises You Can Do With Your Dog
Drop and Give Me Ten! By Nina, Editor in Chief of Whether you like to exercise or not, it’s always better to have a training partner. If you are…
Blindness Hasn’t Slowed Me Down
Billy’s Story By Leah Wyllie When I got the email titled, “Billy Needs a Foster Home” on December 22, my heart leapt out of my chest. I was so ready…
Goodbye is the Goal
Adios, Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen… By Gage Ziehmn Ardağ I know we’re a golden retriever rescue, but this time I think we can all take a lesson from the Kitten…
Cooper #3312
This handsome redhead, rescued from the streets in China, is Cooper (#3312). Cooper is looking forward to finding his forever home in the U.S. Might it be with you? …
By now, everyone is aware of the coronavirus that began in Wuhan, China and has spread across the World. Many of you are wondering what this means for GBR and…
Brigitte #3299
This is Bridgette (#3299). Bridgette arrived from China on January 12, 2020. Brigitte was adopted on February 26, 2020
Bubba #3302
Howdy! My name is Bubba (#3302). I flew in from China on January 12th and have been with my foster family since I arrived. I have acclimated to home life beautifully. …