Thank you so much to everyone who donated to sponsor these pups passage from China to the USA. To those of you who were not able to help financially, your well-wishes and good thoughts are also appreciated.
We FINALLY have a flight for the final ten Together for Animals in China (TAC) dogs who have been trapped in China because of the pandemic and the stricter rules established by the CDC. Prior to the pandemic, we had 30 goldens living at the TAC facility with plans to move them to the USA as excess baggage (like we have done many, many times). Because of the pandemic, we had to switch our plans to bringing them over as cargo, then the CDC put into place new regulations and China shut its borders. In Spring 2022, we were able to move 12 of the dogs (Freedom Flight) via cargo into Toronto, then to Seattle in the Fall after spending the required six months in Canada. That brought us down to 18 dogs; however, we jumped up to 20 when we agreed to take two TAC labs needing to escape to America. At last China opened its borders and we managed to find a few flight escorts willing to bring 10 goldens (two per escort) over to LAX as excess baggage, but that has become increasingly more difficult because of rules put in place by China Customs. It has been equally as difficult to get a cargo flight that is “economical” and safe for the dogs.
As you know from past international dogs fundraisers, “economical” is not what we would normally consider economical; however, compared to the cost of what cargo usually costs or the cost of sending flight escorts to China and back to get dogs, the price we have for the final 10 is economical.
GBR has paid for the 10 dogs that have already arrived as excess baggage but we need your financial help to get the remaining eight goldens and two labs to their forever American homes. Take a look at these beautiful babies and if you can help with their expenses, please click on the picture of your choice which will take you to that dog’s personal donation page. You will find different levels of support from “full sponsorship” to a vaccination booster.