Steve #3970
I am a 4-5 year old, 62-pound, yellow Labrador retriever from South Korea. I have not met a person I didn’t love. My favorite thing is to greet people on walks, even from the other side of the street. I do very well on the leash, but will pull for friendly strangers and squirrels. I will also sit very nicely to be pet, but I don’t know any commands in English yet. I do, however, love treats, so positive reinforcement will work well with me.
I am good with children, not too interested in other dogs, and I’m pretty sure I’m okay with cats. (Full disclosure: I was not tested with cats in my foster home but there’s a rumor going around that I’m okay with them.) I rarely bark except as a warning about the occasional strange outdoor sound. I do well in the car, but need a little boost to get up. I do not get on the furniture, and am a pretty calm, adorable dog (so I’m told). My foster family thinks my name is quite appropriate.
I was diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia which the Vet thinks can be well managed by keeping me nice and trim and by keeping my muscles strong – walking, swimming, etc. and maybe some yummy supplements!
If you are looking for a loving buddy to take places and be everyone’s pal, then I am your guy!