ChiChi Needs Your Help

IF YOU SEE CHICHI, DO NOT CALL HIM OR APPROACH HIM. CALL US ASAP: (503) 421-2750 or (503) 314-0776

Update 8/25/14 10:17PM: We had no sighting of him on Sunday but on Monday, we were contacted by two people. This is what they reported:

  1. 8/24/14: A fisherman said he saw ChiChi running down the train tracks (these are rarely used) that are along the west edge of Waterfront park. This was on Sunday morning about 10am.
  2. 8/25/14: A utility worker said she saw him on about a one mile west of Hood River on I-84 on the westbound side of the freeway running along the edge heading eastbound back toward Hood River.

Based on this information, we have placed a live trap near the train tracks in the park and another one in The Heights on 5th near Pine.

Update 8/23/14, 9:25pm: ChiChi was spotted three times today:

  1. At 10am, he was spotted running across Oak St. on the west side of the Hood River bridge. He was running nto The Heights area.
  2. At 5pm, he was seen in a person’s yard on 5th and Pine.
  3. At 8pm, he was seen in another person’s yard on 5th and Pine.

8/23/14: He jumped out of the window at 9:30 this morning and was seen running across the overpass toward downtown Hood River. He has not been reported seen since then. Once he got across the overpass, we don’t know which way he went.

Although he is extremely loving toward his foster family, he is going to be shy and scared while out running. It is important not to call or approach him. Just call Jill (503) 421-2750.

It you want to help put up fliers or know someone who lives in the Hood River area who is willing to help, please contact Jill on (503) 421-2750.

General ChiChi Background

ChiChi lived a long time on his own on the streets of Taiwan. He was finally rescued by a group of dog rescuers in Taipei where he lived with a foster family for almost a year. He was brought over to the U.S. in the hopes he would have a chance at a better life. On 6/21, he went to live with his foster family. The next morning around 6am, he jumped their fence and ran away.  The foster family lives on SW 37th near Gabriel Park.

At about 8am, he was spotted running down Hwy 26 near the Sylvan exit. When approached he took off running down Hwy 26 toward Portland and the tunnels. He hasn’t been spotted since.

ChiChi is 1-3 years old, neutered male, is white/blonde in color and weighs about 50 pounds. He does not bite but he is very shy. If he is approached, he will probably run away. If you see him, please contact GBR on either (503) 421-2750 or (503) 314-0776 to report where he was spotted. You can also report his location on Help Find ChiChi FaceBook page: