Dog Care
There are many books out there about dogs and dog ownership. Here are some we particularly like. Shop at Powells Bookstore online by linking through us and Golden Bond gets 10% of what you pay!

The Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Dog Care — Marion S. Lane
Choosing Your Dog
- Paws to Consider — Brian Kilcommons and Sara Wilson. Considering adding a four-footed member to your family? Choose wisely! This new book provides information on genetic health problems, exercise needs, temperaments for nearly 100 breeds, lifestyle matches, more.
- Wanted: One Good Dog — Tips on How to Find the Right Dog for You
Monthly Publications
- The Whole Dog Journal — A monthly guide to dog care and training. The Whole Dog Journal offers well-researched, in-depth articles about all aspects of dog care and training. It features natural care, diet and training advice, information about complementary therapies like chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and homeopathy, and advice from experts in the field. They also test, review and evaluate products, a task they can take on without fear, as they are 100 percent subscriber-supported and do not and will never carry advertising.
- Old Dogs Old Friends: Enjoying Your Older Dog — Wilcox and Walkowicz. Using well-written case histories, the authors discuss rescuing older dogs, foster homes, grooming, play, and the special joys of living with a senior dog Available at
- The Dog Who Loved Too Much: Tales, Treatments, and the Psychology of Dogs — Nicholas H. Dodman. “Here is first consumer-oriented discussion of the use and application of medication in the management and treatment of behavioral problems in dogs. Dogs experience the whole range of psychological problems that humans do; depression, anxiety, fear, aggression, and grief. The dog-owning public is seeking solutions to doggie problems which may include the application of human medications. A Professor of Behavioral Pharmacology at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, author Dodman’s approach includes an in-depth understanding of behavior, making key changes in diet, exercise, environment, and at times, prescribing state-of-the-art medication. Case histories enhance the understanding of Dodman’s theories. Fascinating reading!”
- Bones Would Rain From the Sky: Deepening Our Relationship With Dogs — Suzanne Clothier. “If you started life as a child who loved dogs more than anything else in the world and grew to an adult with the same love, then this new book by Suzanne Clothier belongs at the top of your Christmas list! Suzanne talks about her childhood with dogs and her relationship with them, and the differences between training and having a real relationship with your dog. She talks about specific dogs and situations, what she learned from them, and how they have changed her attitude towards dogs and towards training. The dogs you’ll meet and the lessons they teach may make you want to start over with your dogs and develop a better relationship, as they did for this reader. At the very least you will come away from this special book with a different attitude towards your canine companions and a new understanding of training and relationships.”
- Calming Signals: On Talking Terms with Dogs — Turid Rugaas. “From Terry Ryan’s introduction: Dogs have a language for communication with each other, consisting of a large variety of signals using body, face, ears, tail, sounds, movement and expression. If we study the signals dogs use with each other and use them ourselves, we increase our ability to communicate with our dogs. Most noteworthy are the calming signals, which are used to maintain a healthy social hierarchy and resolve conflict within the pack. If we can carry these skills over to our own interactions with dogs, we can greatly improve our relationships with dogs. A practical, down-to-earth, logical understanding and use of the body language of dogs.”
- Second Hand Dog — Carol Lea Benjamin. An adopted “second hand” dog can make an excellent pet. With sensitivity, patience and basic training you’ll have a first-rate pet.
- The Other End of the Leash — Dr. Patricia McConnell. “When humans communicate with dogs, a lot can get lost in the translation. Focusing on human behavior, Dr. McConnell teaches readers how to retrain themselves to speak consistently in a language dogs understand and avoid sending conflicting and confusing messages. The new insights into human and dog interaction will forever alter and improve our relationship with our best friends. Combines true stories, scientific perspective and professional dog training tips.”
- Power of Positive Dog Training — Pat Miller. Demonstrates how you can train your dog, have fun, and build a lasting relationship at the same time. Walk away from punishment-based training methods and learn how you can reward your dog to obtain and reinforce the behaviors you could only dream about achieving. When you apply the training methods in this book and follow the unique six-week training program, your dog will learn to think and to choose proper behavior. You and your dog can become an unbeatable team, capable of addressing any challenge you may encounter. Author is a member of the Board of Directors of APDT.”
- Don’t Shoot the Dog — Karen Pryor. “One of our best selling teaching and training books. Not exclusively a dog training book — author is famous as an early dolphin trainer. Outlines 8 methods for putting an end to all kinds of undesirable behavior without yelling, threats, force, punishment, guilt trips — or shooting the dog; the 10 laws of shaping behavior through affection training; how to combat your own addictions to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, overeating or whatever; how to deal with such difficult problems as a moody spouse, an impossible teen, or an aged parent; PLUS house training the dog, improving your tennis game, keeping the cat off the table, and much, much more! New revised edition has new chapter, “Clicker Training, A New Technique.” This covers the use of clickers in dog training, why it works, and how it has caught on.”
- How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks — Dr. Ian Dunbar. “Fun training with toys, treats, lures and rewards. Easy and effective, dog-friendly techniques for teaching a new puppy old tricks (such as basic manners), or for teaching an older dog that is new to training.”
- Mine: A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs — Jean Donaldson. “A practical how-to guide on resource guarding/aggression — food bowl, object, bed, crate, owner, etc. — in dogs. Contents include: aggression basics, nature of resource guarding, kinds of resource guarding, prognosis, safety tools, treatment overview, management, desensitization, troubleshooting, body handling desensitization, operant conditioning.”
- Culture Clash — Jean Donaldson. “Subtitle: A revolutionary new way of understanding the relationship between humans and domestic dogs. The author’s work with her own dogs and those of her clients, combined behaviorists has led her to the realization that dogs probably learn exclusively through conditioning of various types. Understand the role of conditioning on a dog’s intelligence & morality; predatory & social behavior; socialization, conflict resolution, fear & aggression; behavior problems & solutions.”
- Dog Friendly Dog Training — Andrea Arden. “Humane, user-friendly and dog-friendly training methods. Contents: what is Dog-friendly dog training; tools to help you teach; house-training; improve your dog’s social life; basic manners; behavior problems; and an excellent resource section.”
- The Toolbox for Remodeling Your Problem Dog — Terry Ryan. “From one of America’s most popular trainers, learn how to use fun and positive methods to solve just about any behavior problem! Understanding your dog, building an appropriate environment, obedience training, and providing leadership will all help. Trainer/behaviorist Terry Ryan gives you the tools to solve specific problems, then provides the expertise to transfer the methods to other problems you may have with your canine companion!”
All Books available from Dogwise, the largest source for dog related literature. Online at Phone 800-776-2665.