Image result for golden retriever running picturesA Golden Bond Rescue

Virtual “Race to Save Goldens” Event

What better way to celebrate your four-legged family member than October being National Adopt a Dog month? Or what about National Walk your Dog week (October 1-6)?  How about National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week (November 3-9)? All great ideas; however, they’re nothing compared to Race to Save Goldens (October 1 – November 15)!!!

Golden Bond Rescue is hosting its inaugural virtual event that is asking you to walk, run, bike, swim, crawl or just get off your derriere and move with your dog.   As you and your dog are moving, help us to raise funds and awareness for the rescuing of both international and local golden retrievers.

What is a virtual event?   It is a walk, race, bike ride, swim, whatever you enjoy – basically getting you out and exercising with your dog, your friends, or your family. Yes, you can still participate even if you don’t have a dog. All dog breeds are welcome to participate! You can exercise indoors or outdoors no matter where you are in the world.  And, it is all on the honor system.

How does it work?  The Race to Save Goldens event runs October 1 to November 15. Complete 30 miles (48.25 km) in 45 days – that’s only ¾ of a mile (about 1.25 km) a day.  Go at your own pace, on your own time. You can walk a lot one day and less another; whatever works best for you. You will receive a link by email to your own online spreadsheet to log your miles/kilometers manually.

What is the entry fee?  The cost for the event is $35.00 (USD) plus shipping for your 2019 Race to Save Goldens t-shirt. Because shipping varies by country, you will be able to select your country upon checkout at the GBR shopping cart. Participation is limited to 250 so register quickly!

How do I register? Simply follow this link: REGISTER NOW.  Add the Race to your cart by choosing how many racers are participating in your Pack and selecting tshirt size(s) (if each person in your Pack wears a different size tshirt, you’ll need to enter each person individually), then click the purple “Add to Cart” button. If you want a medal, scroll down the page a bit and you’ll see the medal option. When you’re ready to pay, click the “Check Out” button. IMPORTANT: When completing the shipping and billing section, choose the correct country for shipping. The purple “Proceed to Paypal” button will take you securely to a PayPal/Credit Card pay screen. You may use a credit card at this point if you do not have or wish to use a PayPal account.

Is there Swag? All participants will receive a blue unisex 100% cotton 2019 Race to Save Goldens t-shirt. All shirts will be mailed starting September 14 with the hope it arrives by October 1 so you can wear your swag while participating in the event.

For an additional $15.00 (USD – shipping not included) you may also order a Race to Save Goldens medal. These medals will be available after November 15 once the event is completed. Note: picture of medal is sim ilar to the Race’s medal. Actual medal is still in design.


How can you howl to your friends? Post photos of you and your activity buds (FB or IG), and be sure to let us know from which location you are posting (city or state or country). We would love for you to participate on Facebook through the GBR members group: Friends of Golden Bond Rescue. On Instagram, tag your photos with @goldenbondrescue and use the event hashtag #2019racetosavegoldens on your posts to help us feature you & your pup. HAVE FUN!!!

The Legal Beagle: Of course, we have to have the medical disclaimer!  Please make sure you’ve consulted with a physician that you are physically able to participate. By registering you will be confirming that you do not hold Golden Bond Rescue, or any of its affiliates, responsible for any injury occurred while participating in the event.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out and about walking, running, biking, swimming, crawling, to Save Golden Retrievers!!

Next August Newsletter Article: Central Oregon Picnic

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