My name is Spritz (#3627) and I arrived from South Korea in January 2022. I’ve heard that some dogs can be placed into different types of lifestyles and do well. I am not that guy, but for a family who aligns with my needs, our bond will be magical.

I have a big, fun and friendly personality. I love playing tug, sprinting across the yard to look for squirrels and birds, and belly rubs. I soak up attention and cuddles, and I need a fair amount, but I’m not a complete Velcro dog. I’m outgoing toward new people.

I’m active in a “Whatcha doing hooman?” kind of way. I am very fit from my sprints across the large yard and occasional sessions of fetch. I chill nicely while my foster mom works on her computer.

I make a “huff huff huff” noise when I’m playful that sounds like a chuckle. I have persuaded the resident canine curmudgeon to join me in frequent games of tug, and I respect that she is the Queen of Toys.

I’m great in the house – housetrained, no counter surfing, don’t scratch at doors, and snooze under the dining room table when left home alone.

I am smart and have learned “wait”, “leave it”, “touch” (hand targeting), “go to your bed”, “sit” and “down”.

But no dog, or human, is perfect, and my biggest issue is leash reactivity toward other dogs. This is a frantic/anxious type of behavior and isn’t me wanting to attack another dog. Unfortunately, mine is a difficult case because I react at a great distance, and am not very food motivated which makes counter conditioning a slow and difficult process.

I go for walks and hikes, which I love, but currently only at times and locations where seeing other dogs is unlikely.

I am vocally expressive and have a big voice. Most of my barking is the normal stuff – excited about going for a walk, seeing a squirrel, and going outside (squirrels!).  I am not triggered by noises, but I will join in when the resident dog starts. Most annoying has been my demand barking for attention, but I have learned better ways to ask, and this is mostly extinguished.

I am pushy and unpolished when meeting other dogs which could get me into trouble with the less tolerant sort, but I would like to have dog friends.

If you can picture a lovable guy like me in your life, I would welcome the opportunity to charm you.




Sex: Male
Age: 3 years
Weight: 45-65 Pounds
Availability: Now
Good with Dogs? yes
Good with Cats? unknown
Good with Kids? unknown