We are sad to report the death of Marley, formerly known as Queenie #3037 and Gracie. Marley bounded into our lives almost five and a half years ago as a GBR rescue from China. Almost nothing was known of her past, but she was estimated to be about seven years old. Marley arrived with very poor teeth and some thick scar tissue on the back of her neck, suggesting her life had been hard and she had been attacked sometime in the past. Once in her new home, Marley promptly took charge of her parents and her much larger Golden brother. Happy, ready for adventure, and eager to meet everyone, Marley always kept her pack of four together and on (her) schedule. She LOVED going to work each day where she could coax attention and the occasional treat out of her many office friends. Although clearly aging, Marley had no significant health issues until she collapsed suddenly at home one evening and had no control of her body. The team at Dove Lewis Hospital considered a major stroke to be the most likely cause. After days without any improvement, we made the hard decision to let our sweet old girl go. She leaves a Golden-shaped hole in our hearts.

Laura and Robert