42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Central Oregon Picnic- September 13 CANCELED
TBAThe ever-popular picnic in Central Oregon for adopters, volunteers and supporters is the most fun your dog is going to have this year! People have a great time too, although a huge swimming pond is not as great an attraction to humanoids as it is to the canines. White Whiskers Ranch is conveniently located in…
Golden Vintage Dinner Canceled Due to Covid-19
Oregon Medical Association Building 11740 SW 68th Parkway, Portlandt takes talent, knowledge of food and wine, and the willingness to put in hours and hours of work to create, then cook a meal good enough for GBR's Golden Vintage dinner. Lucky for us, the chefs for the Vintage Dinner have oodles of all three. This year's dinner will have something for everyone: vegan,…